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JoinedPosts by NAPPY ROOTS
Top 10 ways to get rid of Dubs at the door
by absolutelynoone in10. when they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
9. answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
What's The Worst Thing a "Friend" Could Ever Do To You?
by minimus ineveryone thinks they have a friend or even many friends.
have you ever come to know that your "friend" was really no friend after all?
what happened??
I have learned to deal with the hurt caused by my so called friends. I can always make new friends. But what about your family? How do you cope with the situation when it is your family that treats you soooo bad?
I actually feel relieved
by StinkyPantz inmy parents just stopped by to invite my to the memorial.
what's the big deal?
well, i haven't talk to my father since i got df'd 2 years ago and i haven't spoken to my mother in 8 months.
Been there...Done that.
I feels real good when you can finally tell them what you actually think. I was DF for about 3 years before I had the nerve to tell them. My parents didn't talk to me for a long time. They have just recently iniated contact again. And they know better than to try and talk me into coming back. I don't feel I have to change or apologize for the person that I am. You stand your position, they will come around .
The WatchTower and Higher Education
by Maverick inrunningman's post on the fallacies of the watchtower reasonings started me thinking on the gb's stand on higher education.
i am impressed with the superb thinking ability of many who post here.
unclebruce, stephanus, victor_e, gamaliel, blondie, undisfellowshipped, and machislopp to name just a few.
I did the exact same thing. I graduated from high school in the mid 80's and became a regular pioneer for 5 years. In high school I was awarded a scholarship but my parents wanted me to pioneer. When I finally left the JW's, I had to pay my own way to college.
The JW's try to keep you isolated and ignorant. Therefore, you won't question the stupidity of their reasoning. Education is replacing an empty mind with an open one.
As soon as I had children, I started saving for them to attend college. I can't believe the years and money I wasted.
Raising children in this world
by JH in.
for those with kids growing up, do you worry about their future, in this upset world we live in?.
do you really think they will have a stable and happy life?
My kids will have a more stable life than I had. I would rather them live in the Real World than grow up as a JW. At least my kids will know how to interact with people when they are adults. It took a long time for me to learn that everyone in the world was not "bad association".
How did you rebuild your belief systems
by happysistah ini have not formerly introduced myself to you all.
i'm happy sistah.
i was raised as a witness.
I was raised a JW. That was the only belief system I had. After I left (or should I say, got da boot), I was lost. It takes a long time to free yourself from the JW way of life because all of your time and relationships are centered around them. I was Wild and Crazy for a few years. After that, I had to learn what was important to me. After 12 years, I am still searching.
Should I let my kids visit my JW parents?
by NAPPY ROOTS ini have a dilema.
my parents are still active jw.
last year they told me they had to limit their association with me.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I have told my parents that I do not consider their religion as "THE TRUTH". We try to have very polite, non personal conversations. I still love them very much and have allowed my kids to call them anytime. I do not want to deprive my kids of knowing their only living grandparents. So that is why I have decided to let my kids visit my parents but NOT go to the meetings. My parents want to watch my kids during Spring Break. I won't allow that. I don't want my kids brainwashed and confused. I have already told my kids they are free to believe in whatever they want. I already know it won't be JWs (they are too smart for that).
Should I let my kids visit my JW parents?
by NAPPY ROOTS ini have a dilema.
my parents are still active jw.
last year they told me they had to limit their association with me.
I have a dilema. My parents are still active JW. Last year they told me they had to limit their association with me. Needless to say, I was very hurt. I was not expecting it. So I cut off all association with them. I don't need their approval for how I live my life. Now they are calling me because they want my kids to visit them. I feel if they don't want to associate with me, why should I let them associate with my children. Am I being mean?
My first time posting
by NAPPY ROOTS ini just wanted to say hi.
this is my first message.
i have been df for about 14 years.
Thanks for the reply. I have a lot to do to make up for my lost childhood. I live my life without feeling guilty for what I think or say or do. Life without someone trying to make you feel guilty is liberating. That's how I making up for my lost childhood.
My first time posting
by NAPPY ROOTS ini just wanted to say hi.
this is my first message.
i have been df for about 14 years.
I just wanted to say hi. This is my first message. I have been DF for about 14 years. Wow, I can't believe it has been that long. I was raised a JW. And now, I'm having the best time of my life making up for my lost childhood.